Welcome to VibeTribeUnited

Welcome to Vibe Tribe United

Free Training: The 1 paradigm shift that will change your whole life

Change Your Life

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A spiritual rebel sees the world differently than 99% of the world. Learn the path of the spiritual rebel, and in doing so, become one yourself!

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And have your most pressing spiritual questions answered. From the law of attraction, to relaitonships, and much more.

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From tips and tricks, to thought provoking posts, to practical ideas, our blog covers everything spiritual.

A little about me

Who am I?

I debated whether to answer this esoterically, or the traditional 3D way. Then I realized I can do both. Esoterically, I AM THAT I AM of course. 3D wise, please see below. 

Dave Asch

From a 3D perspective, I am what society would call a "regular guy". I'm happily married, with three wonderful children and a regular old 9-5 job. At least that's how I appear on the surface. Underneath it though, I'm anything but ordinary. I see the world in a completely different way than probably 99% of the world. I also think, and act in unconventional ways. Ways that are more in line with spiritual principles. I'm obsessed with spirituality and want to share what I know with the world. Hence why I'm doing what I'm doing. If you want to learn more about me, check out my ABOUT PAGE.